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District 079 – Zach Lemaire

I’m Zach LeMaire, a high school senior and Republican running for the House of Delegates. I believe that there is a fire burning in each and every one of us. That fire represents our potential as people and members of society. As a member of the youngest generation, I can offer a unique and much needed alternative perspective on the issues that face our state and community. I believe firmly that it is time to ignite the fire within each of the smallest minorities, the individuals, to create and execute important and effective solutions for our state and our community. Some of those solutions include reforming to a flat tax, fixing PEIA, and creating special economic zones to encourage companies to invest in West Virginia to bring about job growth.​

Although I may be young, my call to public service is not hindered by that fact. As your Delegate, I will fight for all people of Monongalia County to ensure that your voices are heard down in Charleston. No matter whether you will have voted for me or not, I will fight for you because we are one people, united by our love for this land we call Mountaineer Country.

However I cannot do this alone, but together with your help, we start a movement to usher in a new age of responsibility in our government and ensuring that our government is of the people, by the people, and for the people. If you have any questions about this campaign or you wish to volunteer, DM me on Facebook Messenger (@lemaire4wv) or on Twitter and Instagram (@lemaire4liberty), or you can email me at God bless you all, God bless the State of West Virginia, and God bless these United States of America. Thank you, everybody.