Delegates Hamrick and Waxman Call Out Desperate and Untrue Attack by Democratic Opponents

CLARKSBURG, WEST VIRGINIA – Democratic leader Tim Miley and his hand-picked recruits for the House of Delegates released a series of untrue and desperate attacks on their Republican opponents. In an effort to set the record straight, please note the following inaccuracies in the ad:

Lie: The ad claims Delegates Waxman and Hamrick voted to allow out of state workers to take our jobs.

Fact:  A study by the Associated Builders and Contractors shows West Virginia has one of the largest improvements in construction employment rates in the nation, due in part to the repeal of Prevailing Wage.

Lie: The ad’s construction workers claim, “I am from Honduras and the other men are from Mexico,” while working on a project for Crum Elementary School in Wayne County. The ad claims the law encourages “out of state contractors.”

Fact: The November 2015 Legislative Session voted on the Crum Elementary School job–before the 2016 Legislative Session began and before the introduction, vote and repeal of prevailing wage.

Lie: The ad depicts Delegate Waxman resting on the house floor, while Delegate Hamrick checks his smart phone containing the message, “Delegate Waxman and Hamrick took our jobs while sleeping on theirs.”

Fact: The image depicted was during the dead of night, after a long day of legislative session. There was a break in the session. The un-doctored image shows a clearly empty House Chamber, in which only the dedicated Delegates Waxman and Hamrick stayed. 

The following joint statement was issued by Delegates Terry Waxman and Danny Hamrick:

“It seems that political-silly season has begun. People like Tim Miley and his political allies will stop at nothing to regain the power that voters removed from them in 2014. They plan to continue with the failed policies that have prevented economic expansion and diversification in West Virginia. Instead of defending their heinous records that caused jobs to leave WV-50, they would rather release false ads filled with holes. We ask that the voters of Harrison County reject this kind of campaign and call for Tim Miley and Richard Iaqunita to rescind their factually inaccurate and desperate television commercial.”
